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I always wanted a relationship to be a perfect love story
I thought feelings were foolproof
Is it not that love is supposed to be generous?
Is it not that love does not envy?
I am doubting if such love still exists in this world
I am frustrated by the fact that no one seems to know what real love is
No one and nothing should be able to come between you and your partner right?
Now why does it seem like love has a tendency to fade away
Please come all, stand by one another
Through thick and thin, throughout the good and the bad
If you agreed to a relationship then try to work on it
No matter what the consequences you faced,
you would be able to deal with it
Stand by me in the path of love
Let me show you what true love is
Because I cannot imagine a life without the existence of love
Do not discard each others’ feelings that comes from the heart
Let us cement them back into place
Stand by me, let me guide you
You cannot fathom how important love is in this God forsaken world
I need you to accept me, but you are negating feelings
We all want to be in a relationship,
But we tend to be afraid of the relationship,
But we tend to be afraid of the responsibility that comes with it
Why build up a relationship based on false pretenses?
Why does the world have to know about your love for one another?
Please tell me why am I still pleading for our love to flourish in the face of adversity?
When some of us do not even bother
Stand by me, let the love blossom
I feel that we should be more generous with our feelings for one another
Confirm that you will stand by your partner forever
Stand by me…
Please stand by me…

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